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Playboy of the

Western World

by JM Synge

Directed by Paul Mullins

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Michael Giannitti

Set Design:  Brittany Vasta

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The Diary

of Anne Frank 

by Wendy Kesselman

Directed by Joseph Discher

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Matthew Adelson

Set Design:  Brittany Vasta

Sound Design:  Steven Beckel

Medea Theater Mitu Candida Nichols


by Euripides

Directed by Rubén Polendo

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Kate Ashton

Set Design:  Czerton Lim

Sound Design:  Alex Hawthorn



by William Shakespeare

Directed by Kenneth Albers

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Monique Norman

Set Design:  David Utley


Much Ado

About Nothing 

by William Shakespeare

Directed by Scott Wentworth

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Peter West

Set Design:  Michael Ganio


Marat Sade 

by Peter Weiss

Directed by Kent DeSpain

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Autumn Casey

Set Design:  Yvonne Boudreaux


The Liar 

by David Ives

Directed by Paul Mullins

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Andrew Hungerford

Set Design:  Michael Schweikhardt

Sound Design:  Karin Graybash


Death of a Salesman

by Arthur Miller

Directed by Rubén Polendo

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Kate Ashton

Set Design:  Kate Ashton/Rubén Polendo

Mask Design:  Lori Peterman

Sound Design:  Alex Hawthorn

Original Music:  Ellen Reid

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The Raven Odyssey

by Ishmael Hope and PJ Paparelli

Directed by Rubén Polendo

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Ryan Mueller

Set Design:  Scott Sphar

Properties Design:  Kathleen Harper

Mask Design:  Andrew Abyo, Lena Amason, Ossie Kairaiuak, Dimi Macheras, John Rowan, Ross Schaeffer, Richard Silook, Donald Varnell


The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip 

by Doug Cooney and David O.

Based on the book by George Saunders

Directed by J. Richard Smith

Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Adam Levine

Set Design:  Kim Gritzer

Theater Mitu Chaos Candida Nichols


A Theater Mitu Collaboration

Conceived & Directed by Rubén Polendo


Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Kate Ashton

Set Design:  Czerton Lim

Mask Design:  Lori Peterman

Original Music:  Ellen Reid


Bayonets of Angst

by Rick Kunzi & Justin Zeppa

Directed by Michael Lluberes


Costume Design:  Candida Nichols

Lighting Design:  Zach Blane

Set Design:  Seth Easter

Sound Design:  Harrison Adams

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